April 2019 Newsletter
The Woodland Trust was our guest speaker on 5th April, rather timely in view of the current concern over climate change. We were given a good overview of the Trust’s work to preserve, replant and aid new plantings of trees and woodlands. They are able to give saplings for group planting projects in certain circumstances. Another organisation well worth supporting.
Latest on Look & Sea Centre: It is hoped to have the cafe/restaurant up and running under new business management in time for the summer season – a welcome return of a much loved meeting and eating place. The Tower is another matter! Any workable ideas please to Arun D. C. – they could do with some. We objected to The Nelson plans and they went back and redesigned the exterior, making it much more acceptable. Seasonal concessions on the seafront? Not popular with anyone by all accounts so do take any opportunity to register your disapproval. We continue to cast a constructive critical eye on all planning applications.
The year’s Link Magazine will be available in early May and looks to be well up to last year’s standard. Due to the increasing costs of postage we would like some help with circulating copies around our membership, just taking on a few roads would be much appreciated.
Two free talks put on by Littlehampton Heritage Group: if you missed Dr. Sue Berry’s excellent
one hour talk on the history of Littlehampton buildings in January she will be repeating it on Wednesday 26th June at 7.30 pm in the New Millennium Chamber at the Manor House. Before then, on Tuesday 11th June at 2.15 pm Michael Driver of the Construction History Society will give a talk on construction materials used in Littlehampton. Booking closes on Wednesday 29th May, applications to [email protected] of phone 01903 732063.
Diary dates: Friday 11th May we have a stall at the market.
Saturday 15th June, stall at Wick Hall for Sussex Day
Saturday 22nd June is Civic Day, still at planning stage
Saturday 13th July stall at LOCA, Caffyns Field
Saturday 14th September stall at Town Show & Fun Day
We hope to use these events to recruit new supporters as well as promoting our Society. If you are able to spare an hour or two to talk to people please let us know. We have a gazebo which needs transporting from and to an address in Wick for our events, if you have a car with roof rack or similar transport we would love to hear from you.
Coffee Morning on Friday May 3rd at St Marys Church hall from 10.30 to 12 will have as its speaker Mr Robert Vince of Stagecoach, rebooked after his January cancellation, so get your (polite) questions ready. News, raffle and open forum as usual will follow.
As always, it is your Society and the Committee
welcomes input from yourselves; ideas for causes, actions, speakers, events,
volunteers, etc.. Potential new supporters warmly welcomed.