Our first post lock down Coffee Morning on Friday was an informal affair. With no invited speaker we sat in the round with members and interested parties getting up to date with the more pressing concerns of our town.
Good to report the lime tree by the arcade has been saved, and important to note it means the Regeneration Plans can be changed after all, so what next. We will continue to challenge applications showing poor, or bad, planning and to promote, even suggest, good planning examples.
You will be getting an invitation to a multi-group organised public meeting on 24th August to discuss the Rampton 2 proposals. Please RSVP if you are able to attend what will certainly be a highly informative evening.
Sue Penn continues to make progress with a projected Community Garden in the orchard behind Maltravers Bowling Green. She has Council support for this and plans for the raised beds are advancing, the next hurdle will be arrangements for a water supply. This garden will be a great asset to the community, another local activity of use to many groups and to our residents. Any offers of help, short or long term, or useful suggestions please do contact us.
Now things are starting to happen once again we hope to be issuing more frequent newsletters to keep you informed of local matters of interest to this Society.
Stay well and we hope to see you at our AGM at 7 pm on Thursday 2nd September in the Millennium Chamber as usual. Oh, and please bring any subs that are due.