First, apologies for the non appearance of a November newsletter; a seasonal bug took all your author’s energies for 2½ weeks, among other impediments too mundane to mention.
So, our November coffee morning had Paul Sanderson, the chaplain at The Littlehampton Academy, as our speaker. We learned much about how they are working to prepare pupils for their career and life choices, also how those pupils with difficult home lives or social disabilities are having help to face up to their problems. There are more opportunities to develop social awareness in today’s youngsters than you may think. Paul has proposed a return visit with a few students so that they can find out what we are all about. A few of our members are going to the Academy to see if there may be other ways in which we and they could work together.
December’s speaker had to postpone but, at short notice, Jackie Townsend, a newer member, stepped in with an informative talk, questions and answers, on her experience of living with osteoporosis. This developed into a general discussion of local health service provisions with many members contributing.
If anybody as suggestions for future speakers who might be of interest to us (and want no fee) please feel free to contact us.
We are looking for a new Honorary Secretary as our last one, Emma Tyler, has now got lots more paying professional work than will permit her time to continue assisting us. We thank Emma for getting us back onto the straight and narrow and in the meanwhile some of your Committee are being trained up on operating our website, with Sue Penn now ensconced as our Membership Secretary. We want our new website to become much more informative and user friendly. If you do know where a suitable Hon. Sec. may be hiding, or may become available, do let us know urgently.
Only at a very early stage, there is an idea to develop the strip of land on the east side of the river to the north of the road bridge, details of the concept are on: which has details of an associated exhibition.
We have been approached by Sussex Community Rail Partnership enquiring if our Society would be interested in “adopting” Littlehampton Station waiting room area, i.e. smarten it up and make it more welcoming. A grant for materials is available and we would provide hands. Something for us to consider at a meeting perhaps?
Our next coffee morning will be on Friday 3d January, 10.30 am at St Mary’s Church Hall and our speaker will be Dr. Sarah Renfrey on the Littlehampton Community Fridge. No doubt we will be discussing plans for 2020 in our open forum.
Your Chairman and Committee would like to thank you for your continued support and to wish you all a Happy Christmas and a Peaceable New Year.