Thank you to all who joined us for the recent events: Rampion 2 consultation, our AGM, September Coffee Morning and, lastly, our stall at the Town Show on Saturday. All too much for one newsletter but this is to show that we are back to being actively meeting again.
Briefly, the Rampion 2 meeting showed that people were eager for unbiased information, even if the press reports were disappointing.
Our AGM featured the Rampion 2 presentation by Colin Ross and subsequent discussion, and the re-election of your committee’s officers. Only a small turnout but necessary for the business to be conducted.
We will be having guest speakers to the Coffee Mornings again soon, in the meantime the discussions amongst our members were lively.
We had very many visitors to our stall at the Town Show talking not just about Rampion 2 but also our recent activities, planning, etc, with some interest in joining the Society. A good day out and about.
Next Coffee Morning is 1st of October so do come back to us for that, we now need to rebuild after all that enforced separation.
The Littlehampton Society > News > Recent Posts > Civic Society News > Newsletters > September updates