Starting to happen

May is due to bring an easing of the lockdown conditions and changes in our councils. Arun District Council will move from Cabinets to Committees on the 19th which should mean that decision making powers will be spread more widely among our representatives.

Regeneration: the committee will be handing over to a new Economic Committee , yet to be formed, however, at the last meeting it was agreed to revisit the old “Vision” plans for our seafront, which you will recall caused us all to step up and Save the Windmill, presumably they will be commending it to the new committee in due course and we may need to save the Windmill again!

Rampion 2: the running saga over public consultation continues giving the impression that the company wishes it to be very short and kept away from contentious topics. Our Society has added its support to the fine work by Larry Haas and the East Beach Residents Association, among others, calling for more discussion of the these most intrusive proposals. We urge everyone to become aware of the potential effects of this wind farm extension.

Boklok: the plans are out for the development between The Academy and Rose Mead Park and your committee are largely in favour of them, with one or two reservations. The homes will be largely built off site and will contain elements of affordable and social housing. You can see them on ADC planning site, ref LU/116/21/PL, look at the access, density, height, etc, and see what you think, we would like to know.

Beach Huts: the application for 20 more beach huts along the seafront has been rejected on the grounds that they would block the view to the detriment of residents and visitors alike. This may not be the last we hear of this project as it has some backing at council level, so do watch out for it.

Pier Road: will be closed to traffic again this year (mid May to end of September); more outside tables and the promise of entertainments as the restrictions are lifted. Our Town Council want to keep things quite low key to avoid congestion but it is a welcomed start in our opinion.

Some local groups are planning small events for late summer onwards and we have our fingers crossed for suitable weather to enjoy them. We would ask you to remember to keep it local, our traders and our volunteers need all the help we can give them.

The Littlehampton Society are looking to hold our coffee mornings again as soon as is possible (July?) and we will be considering ways to increase and involve our membership so would welcome any input, ideas, areas of concern or offers of help.

There will be much to be done to rejuvenate our town over the next few years and your Society would like to be a part of the process.

The Committee.