Join Us
Keep involved with Littlehampton and the surrounding areas. You will receive monthly digital newsletters sharing the current happenings around town. Subjects include local development, environment and wellbeing. The Littlehampton Society’s committee members care deeply for our town. We each have a natural commitment to maintaining and improving the wellbeing of our area. As a member you are encouraged to be proactive and to voice your cares about the changes around town . The more broad the membership, the more we can portray the collective voice of Littlehampton.
We publish an annual yearbook with articles from local community groups, businesses and individuals, all about Littlehampton.
Your subscription lasts one year. Prices are as follows:
Individual Membership: £6
Joint Membership – 2 persons at the same address: £10
We would request payment directly to our bank account by Standing Order or an annual online bank transfer. We are unable to use Direct Debit as our membership is too small. Cash or cheque payment can still be delivered to Janet Crosley, 24, New Road, Littlehampton, BN17 5AX.
Barclays Bank
Bank account no. – 93184005
Sort code – 20-79-31
Please give your name as the reference when making payment.
For help with any problems or queries: [email protected]